What is Lightroom?

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom is a one of the most significant and revolutionary digital photography software programs that will forever change how photographers organize, process and manage images. Before Lightroom, most photographers were using a Photoshop version of sorts to to do simple, basic adjustments, something any editor could do. But, the process of doing so is laborious, time-consuming and inefficient.

So, Adobe designed Lightroom to take those on those tasks any a way that Photoshop could never do. It added a RAW processor, Metadata access, quick printing, slideshow. Lightroom was design specially for wedding photographers, portrait photographers, event photographers, fine art photographers and stock photographers. Well, photographers! Not designers, developers, photo labs etc, just photographers. With the introduction of Lightroom, most photographers have reduced their Photoshop time by 40%-90%. I have many professional clients that no longer use Photoshop, because they found that their work can simply all be done in Lightroom in 50-60% less time. This allows them to be photographers rather than photo editors.

Understanding and Learning Lightroom Properly

Like Photoshop, Lightroom is more than just a software program. It's a new concept, a new way of life and a new workflow procedure. Because of this, you must truly understand each of those three things. Learning Lightroom can be very deceptive to the new user. At first it seems to be a simple photo organizer, but lying under the cool, sleek interface lies a powerful beast that absolutely must be tamed and understood. Most of my Lightroom clients opt for my 10 hour private lesson package which consists of five 2-hour sessions and lots of email & phone support.

My Lightroom Training

I'm running a Lightroom Learning special right now. This is the best time to begin learning Lightroom before your heck-tick, busy season starts. You'll want to give yourself at least 2 months of learning and practice before using Lightroom on new, paying clients or projects with deadlines.

The training package consists of, as mentioned above, five 2-hour sessions and lots of email & phone support for $495. The lessons should be spaced at 7-10 day intervals. That's about what most photographers need to learn the basics of Lightroom in a timely manner.

I highly recommend this package to keep the learning momentum going and to ensure you learn everything you need. Learning "just a little bit" about Lightroom will be frustrating and potentially disastrous.

Adobe Lightroom Training

Adobe Creative Cloud
Adobe Creative Cloud
Adobe Lightroom Training
Adobe Lightroom Training